Please see the steps below for creating campaigns using triggers (e.g. geofences) and the proximity platform:

Before setting up new campaign, make sure that you have added at least one trigger (beacon or geofence) and you have an app on

  1. Within campaigns view, please choose green button in right upper corner “+Create Campaign”
  2. On the General tab give your Campaign Name, State, Start and End day of activity for your Campaign (this is optional, leave empty if you don’t have particular times to run your campaign).
  3. Schedule tab allows you to create scheduled actions this is optional

    If you want your campaign to run all the time don’t add any schedule

  4. Within Reactions you can add actions to your campaign. There are four types avaliable:
    • Notification - Simple push notification on user’s mobile
    • Website - generate a clickable notification that leads to an external website
    • InApp - trigger an internal app functionality
    • Silent - silentry track the event and do not show or do anything on user’s phone. This option is great for proximity analytics
  5. On the last tab Statistics you can find graphic visualisation to your campaign